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Can square dancing be called art?

Of course, as long as you want.

In my opinion, art conveys effective information to the spiritual level of the audience through sound, light, and electricity.

If an audience member feels beauty, resonance, inspiration, or contemplation from the dancer's audiovisual experience, in short, if effective information is conveyed at the spiritual level, then that is art.

Moreover, only the audience can make the judgment.

As for the dancer as an "artist," there are two scenarios:

One is that he consciously and actively expresses what is called "effective information."

The other is that he just wants to relax, but perhaps dances so well that the audience still feels beauty, resonance, inspiration, or contemplation; then this audience member would certainly be willing to call this art.

I saw a response using Teacher Yang Liping as an example. I think, first of all, she is already an artist, and her works are there. If she performs a square dance, most audience members would still judge based on her identity: this is also art. But as an art creator, I certainly know that if Teacher Yang really dances, it must be done consciously and actively, and I would also be willing to call it art, but this is closer to performance art. It has nothing to do with square dancing itself.

Another example, now that AI face-swapping is so convenient. In the future, we will definitely see various videos similar to "Yang Liping dancing square dance," which is still art, even though the creator may not be Teacher Yang herself. This author is also intentionally doing it with the help of technology, but it still has nothing to do with square dancing.

Have you noticed? Art has no necessary connection with means, categories, fields, or even the artist.

It only relates to the audience.

Who the audience is, what they have experienced, what they like or dislike, determines their boundary for judging whether something is art.

Once this boundary is crossed, they will naturally make a judgment, even if they don't understand it, they will be greatly shocked. They might say:

"This is so damn artistic!"

For discussions on AI and art, you can refer to this article.

This article was first published on Zhihu.

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